Friday 25 November 2016


They say logic and creativity are controlled by the left hemisphere and right hemisphere of the brain, respectively. Really?

A lot of people also believe that a person is either logical or creative depending on which hemisphere of his brain is dominant. I, however, believe that our brain's attributes are distributed throughout this mass inside our head. It just happens that some have developed one area more than the other. Perhaps it's by default that they're more inclined to one thing, depending on genetic and environmental factors, while others are challenged by their 'weaker hemisphere' that they've decided to keep its status quo.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe my theory is only applicable to people with INTP as their MBTI type because these creatures are naturally curious. Or maybe I'm kind of an isolated case because I am an INTP (with very strong INTJ tendencies) and both parents are naturally left-handed. One of them has become right-handed though.

So how do I fare?

Using left hand:
- Eating (spoon on the left, fork on the right)
- Lifting objects
- Writing, but rarely or only when intentional. Penmanship is not as polished compared to those written by right hand.

I also tend to put my shoulder bag on my left shoulder.

Using right hand:
- Brushing teeth
- Writing
- Other tasks

Recently I realized how I prefer to use my left foot when playing Football. And it's better than my right foot!

I played in a booth where you have to kick the ball into the hole to get a prize. I managed to drill the ball on my last chance with my left foot.

In another occasion, there's a booth where you have to hit the ball twice. I've only hit it once. Again, only able to do so with my left foot.

Hello, Leo!

People say the left hemisphere of the brain is linear with the following attributes:

- English and Math and Physics where the three subjects in high school that I fared better than the rest of the subjects. My highest grade in a particular grading period was actually either in senior Math or Physics. 98.

- I speak three languages - Bisaya/Cebuano, English, Tagalog (Learned these in such order.) - and know a few Japanese and Spanish. I learned Japanese, mostly, by self-study and Spanish by... Well, I am a Filipino so that should be given. I'm currently learning Cyrillic.

- I am pragmatic. Whatever works best and the practical way. No fuss.

Meanwhile, the right hemisphere of the brain is described creative with the following attributes:

- I can draw and paint, if I focus and put effort to do so.

- iNtp/iNtj.

- The curious cat in me does things out of, of course, curiosity. If it seems fun and not fatal or won't cost me my license, sure.

- My emotions flow like a typical INTP and INTJ.

As an ambidextrous, it's like Jane Doe sensing Remi (instincts) coming into surface. Yeah, I just had to make that Blindspot reference.

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