Thursday 6 February 2020

14 months later...

...a new entry is posted.

If there's one word that mostly kept from posting again it is work. The other factors would only come as consequence of this word. Thankfully I can do something about it now. And I need to intentionally write things down to keep my sanity, mostly, and to of course keep a record of events. I would probably be posting travels and adventures from the past year or so.

Truth be told, there are plenty to write about, crossing borders and going beyond typical interests. That kind of makes me excited, the thought of writing about them. Sweet.

For now, I'll get started with reading Arriane Serafico's book Existential Crisis Courage. Been looking for a copy in bookstores but found none so I ordered it online last month. I just received it today though; perhaps email matters. Well, things happen for a reason or more. I'll be posting some thoughts on the book here - that's intentional - and not just on Twitter or Instagram.

Now Playing: The Corrs - What Can I Do

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