Saturday 29 October 2016

RT and US

Since discovering Russia Today last year, I've never been interested to mainstream media anymore. Not that I stopped watching or listening to some. It's just that my standards were raised as the news I read from RT are relevant but usually unreported by most media outlets. I also appreciate the perspective.

Of course there will be an obvious difference of perspective. RT is state-owned, by Russia obviously. As a person who likes or prefers to listen to both or all parties involved, it's good to know a different point of view albeit the source is linked to a state that's quite controversial. Thinking about it, Russia deserves the benefit of the doubt. At the same time, we can't just take what the West says on face value.

As a Filipino, I think it's given if I give Uncle Sam more benefit of the doubt. But there's just a lot of conspiracy theories things that have happened, are happening, and will happen that feed doubts and concerns on our supposed ally, not just for issues concerning the Philippines but about their foreign policy in general. 

It's heart breaking. You can't help but question their motives and sincerity. I understand that they have to think of their personal interest before us, and that's how things should be, but not through abuse and deceit and what have you. No wonder our current president hates Uncle Sam.

I don't hate Uncle Sam. Not anymore. Not since I started rooting for the New York Yankees and got reminded of John 3:16. Because yes, God loves the Americans too. The Lord Jesus also died for them. Ergo, I have to love them. Based on 1 Corinthians 13. But don't expect me to be so fond of them the way most of my countrymen do because I still remember why the child in me didn't like the Americans. Let's just say I've forgiven them for what they did to the Filipinos back in history.

Yeah, I've never been fond of the Americans since I was a kid, even before I graduated from primary school.

I think I have to be proud of my little self because even at young age, I've had an independent and non-mainstream mentality. Silly as it may sound but I think I want to meet my little self and give her a pat on the back, tell her that she's doing fine. And that she's cool.

Now Playing: Susie Suh - Lucille

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