Sunday 14 February 2016

Divided Attention

It began on the first week of the month when I was told to help out the unit where I used to be with. I had no qualms about it, for I knew perfectly well that the unit is in need of extra manpower. I was only quite worried for my current unit and my tons of deliverables.

I had the feeling that I'd be dividing my efforts. It's like having a mammon. And I was right.

My suspicion was right that I was even "transferred" to my previous unit. Again, I understood why. But again, my anxiety for my current unit is growing. I don't want to neglect it yet I know that those asked of me in the other unit are important and must be delivered ASAP.

My only comfort is the fact that I only live a couple of streets away. The previous week saw me working at least 13 hours. There were even 14 hours straight for 2 consecutive days, right at the time when I was planning to go full blast on my recovery. 

Well, my true and real comfort comes from the grace of God. It's the rreason I was able to keep going. Mental stress related to fatigue secondary to prolonged work hours would surely knock me down. Not out, just down. 

I praise God for His patience because I learned to exert patience. And I did remember David when he showed kindness to Mephibosheth, son of Jonathan, son of Saul. He was able to do so because he experienced God's kindness first hand.

Even so, I wish for things to be back to "normal." I miss my seat and the variety of noise, or music, I usually hear from the people around me. I miss the times when we're watching out for the clock to tick nine in the morning or four in the afternoon.

I don't know when things will be back to "normal." I have the feeling of more tribulations. This means more patience. This means leaving everything to God. But I guess it's better said in Tagalog. Ipinagdadasal ko na lang sa Diyos.

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