Sunday 11 October 2015

Chocolate from Israel

I'm not fond of chocolates or sweets, but sometimes there are foods that I get to become fond of that just happened to be sweet. One of them is chocolate.

Tita and Perry just got back from attending Sukkot in Israel last week. As usual, Tita brought chocolates. I should've told them to bring hummus and other dried fruits. Hashtag regret. Tita brought dates though. Yey!

One of the chocolates I had was so sweet but its sweetness seems to have come from a different sweetener and not the usual white sugar. But there was one, a chocolate wafer, that I love. Its sweetness is just enough. I've been carefully taking and eating one every now and then.

The label is in Hebrew. I can't read it (I should ask my boss). But I love it. I want to take it back to Makati. I wonder if Tita has other stash. Hahaha

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