Saturday 17 October 2015

October 17 Thoughts

1. Good heavens. It seems like the last day of the 27th year is not going to be the last day of all. There are still a number of things to settle. For one, I borrowed money from Kuya and the only way to pay him is to withdraw from my ATM which I am yet to claim on Tuesday. Perfect. Second, I also have to pay my rent.

The thought of changing the plan, albeit not yet final, pisses me off. But I guess the other reason why I am easily pissed off today is, yeah the change of plan. I can't push it. But there's another, which caused me to even Tweet about it earlier. I said, "Do me a favour. Do your job." Yes, for the love peace, do your bloody job. If you don't want to, just let me know. I would rather hear it now and directly.

That last statement sounds familiar. Of course, I wrote an unsent email about it. It was lengthy but I marked it "Not to be sent." Why? Because I remembered Abraham Lincoln. I may not yet see the benefits of following his example - writing lengthy notes of anger and disappointment but never sending them - but I know I will, eventually. I'm pretty much hot-tempered. I need to do anything to stop or at least delay a physical or audible manifestation of my anger.

2. I'm thinking of visiting my favourite pastry shop tonight. If I remember correctly, I've been there twice to observe my birthday. I don't celebrate my birthday, but I am aware of it. The last time I've been there was 2 years ago. I even happened to see Chris Tiu.

If I do so tonight, I don't think it'd be counted as the third time unless I extend past midnight. I'm not sure though what time they close on Saturdays. I've already forgotten.

However, I cannot afford to treat myself much tonight. There's still tomorrow.

3. My laundry has been my preoccupation this week. Well, I always think of my laundry. I hate the thought that they could be piling up although they're only worth 2 days of my used clothes.

4. I haven't made posts for my October Book Challenge since Monday or Tuesday. My phone has been non-sense since Monday or Tuesday. It just wouldn't charge no matter what. Awesome. So yes, I'm out of telecommunications reach this week and the days to come. Perhaps being cut off is good.

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