Tuesday 17 February 2015

Argo (2012)

I've always wanted to watch Argo but I haven't done so until last week. I do like history yet I only had one reason for watching this film. Two words. Ben Affleck. 'Nuff said.

When I watched this film, I was also reading Joel C. Rosenberg's Inside the Revolution. I actually haven't finished it yet. The first chapters included the events and people responsible for the Iranian Revolution. It's interesting. Oh well, back to Argo. It's more interesting that Mendez (Affleck) came up with the idea of using a fake film to pull out slash rescue 6 diplomats out of the heart of Tehran, then the breeding capital for extremism in Iran. More impressive was the help of Canada, surpassing the diplomats' own government. Canadian Caper. #NeverForget

Looking back, I think the film didn't fully capture the intensity of the revolution. But then, he could? And how could the West truly do so? I think it was only quite easy for me to appreciate it because I had a little background.

Now Playing: Mika Nakashima - Find the Way

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