Tuesday 17 October 2017

Primera de Octubre

It's been five days since we got back from Israel. Five days have past yet my system seems to be still following Israel's timezone. There are signs and symptoms. They could be really jet lag related or maybe something else. Perhaps a combination of both. Nevertheless, it's good to be back. But at the same time I am looking forward to going back to Israel. I pray I could even before the Sukkot.

Since arriving back to the Philippines, I've been making a mental countdown. I'm on my last day of the countdown for tomorrow is a reset of things. For that I want it to count. I want it to be full of thanksgiving and gratefulness, without sugar-coating unpleasant things.

Scales have been removed from my eyes and I have a better vision now. There are a lot of things that my heart has finally seen and acknowledged. That is an answered prayer - a change of heart. I've also learned to embrace things, some of which involved dismissing my introvert / INTP / INTJ / choleric nature.

For days something has been echoing in my mind. As I happened to scan through the Song of Songs, I stumbled upon this:

...I am dark, because the sun has looked upon me...

It's on the first chapter of the book, part sixth. When I read it, I smiled and laughed. I loved it, for I have loved my skin tone more than I did before leaving for Israel. I don't know but I just like it even though there were times I looked darker. The photo above showcased my darkest tone among the photos I've had. But what is there to not like? It's the colour God gave me.

Sometimes though my skin tone would look lighter. Perhaps it's the light hitting the pigments of my melanin. I don't exactly know how that goes but that's quite a chameleon feat. For lack of better description.. Of course, it has something to do with the light.

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