Friday 14 October 2016


I am surprised how the brain can stretch to handle a number of things at the same time and simultaneously. Sometimes I feel like asking my brain if it gets dizzy doing that, then I would remember the times such actually happened. 

There were even a point in time when I got so upset because I felt required to handle a number of things albeit by limitations. It was the first time I hated information overload. But after that, things seemed to have gone lighter. Let's just not talk about emotions.

The events these past couple of days quite remind me of the circular motion typical in our universe.

Things seem to spin 'round and 'round, pulling things to the core, bring 'em deep into the unknown. It's dizzying but only if you pay unnecessary attention to how things move. Yet if you look at particular things and focus on them when group, you'll see how each stand on its own with it's very own force.

Of course there's a lot of moment in my day when I come to fully sense how overwhelming things could get that I just wish it's already Thursday. Heaven knows what comes every Thursday. Or, when it's not Thursday, just take a nap (lots of it rather), play with the dogs, eat, or eat.

I'm going to need long walks.

Now Playing: Utada Hikaru - Flavour of Life

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