Friday 15 January 2016

Una para año

Never thought it'd take me two weeks and a day before having my first post for this year. 

January-1. I was actually planning to write something on this day since we spent the New Year's eve at the Reyes' residence. It was my second. The first was back in 2013/2014. I even met Ate Noelle Pimentel, a fellow Gamer Clan member. It's been a while since the last time I saw her. I think the last was back in 2007 or earlier. 

It was nice to see the Reyes Family again. It's good to be reconnected.

The first few days of the year were spent for pencil-planning. I've had plans but they were still for approval. The final planning, for the major things, was finalized on January 9. That was Saturday. There were still polishing of my plans after the 9th but just minor things I'd say except for my "assigned" prayer points for each day. I think I've only finished it this week.

January-3. I left my mobile phone at home in Antipolo. I just found out when I got home in Makati. I've been actually thinking of using my phone less. I wondered what it'd be like to live like how life was before. Just the landline and letters. Stress free life.

January-4. It was our first day back to work. If I still had my "November mind," I'd say I would've been pretty tense that day. Thank God I was not. I had with me a calm and expectant mindset, without losing my 'give it your best shot' attitude. 

Well, there was something that had been a preoccupation during the first days of that week so I had to keep on praying to God, trusting Him that all will be well. 

January-7. I got my prayer answered. I also had this experience: PM Lift - ishouni. Kami-sama, doomo arigatou gozaimashita.

January-9. I can't remember how I got into a particular verse from the Scriptures. The first time I encountered it was in 2011, before I flew for Taiwan to watch Long Teng Cup in Kaohsiung. The verse reminded me of what was about to come and I just got so thankful. It was like I got a huge picture of what my life was about. I did say "huge," right? It's that huge that I don't quite understand it. Hahaha! It was a WOW moment, though I first felt grateful. It made me feel and think like, I do have the right to live. I have the right to be born. And I thank God for that.

January-10. Seems like I got my wish answered. I couldn't find my phone at home in Antipolo. I've lost any idea where I could've possibly left it.

January-13. We had our Praise Team meeting at Big City since Yoshinoya was closed since 6PM that day for their annual Christmas Party. Yes, annual Christmas Party. That's what was written on the notice on their door. Anyway, we had a test that night. I was nervous, of course. Haven't really done it before. When I was done, I found it funny how two of our friends thought I wasn't breathing. I have the tendency to talk fast and I talk faster when nervous. Besides that, I was surprised with how they found my delivery of the test. Truth be told, I didn't have the confidence about that. But then, no matter how confident I would be if there's no heart in it, it'd still be nothing. Without the Lord's anointing, my words would be empty. No power at all. Still, it was good to know that I could deliver.

After our meeting, I was praying for the Lord's guidance, that He would lead my steps. And sure He did answer my prayer right away. I happened to see a shirt that says, "It's time to save a life." Of course I was reminded of my profession. And I was definitely reminded of the souls that need to be saved. My heart was kind of in a vigilant mode, like I could get sent [to war] any time. I wasn't sent to a war or any trouble. I was sent to something good. I was sent to harvest. I was given the privilege to harvest! Praise God for that.

January-14. I'm not sure if it was on this day or the day before when my officemate showed me photos of cats depicted as people in the office, from the CEO to the intern. The cats were so cute I couldn't help but kind of squealed. I'm going to look for those images.

I found it!

January-15. This is today. Before the day was over, our boss talked to me and my officemate. As he was speaking, I got reminded of a particular goal for this year. I've been thinking of doing what our boss was saying but I guess I got stiff with my time. I've lost the drive to be flexible. I was taking control of my time the wrong way. 

Throughout the time our boss was talking, I was just silent but I've been thinking that everything he said was a punching reminder to me. I have to add the "punching" part because it was not just my ears that got the message. It was not the first time that my boss' message went deep beyond his intent. Perhaps he wasn't just talking about work but also about life in general. In short, they were words of wisdom. I'd be very foolish if I don't take those words to heart.

Well, for a first entry this one is pretty long. But then, it's already been fifteen days.

Now Playing: Hillsong - At The Cross

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