Monday 14 December 2015

Extended Friday Discomfort

5 December 2015, 06:47 PM

I'm glad I already took a bath before I slept last night, fearing that I might wake up late the following day. I was right. I woke up late today, not intentionally though, about almost 2 hours past my time-in at work.

Since yester-noon, most likely during mid-afternoon, I wasn't feeling well. I was having a migraine episode, complete with nausea and headache. It's the former that's really annoying. And it bothered me too because I've been wondering if I was being withdrawn from people. I hope it was just a "typical busy person that needs to alone" look. I wasn't that busy though I was working on some things unlike the day before yesterday, which had my adrenaline going hyperactive. My anxiety that day was mainly because I felt pressured to complete and submit my daily deliverable before leaving the office, which follows office-hours unlike the other department I used to be in. I left the office on Thursday about five minutes past 7 o'clock.

Not really sure if Thursday affected my Friday afternoon. If so, it seems late. Unfortunately, my Friday discomfort was prolonged. As of writing, for at least 2 hours now, I'm having that uneasy feeling. I would love to just tuck in bed but there are things to do, for work and for Sunday although I'm just going to buy presents.

I will be away next week, being "locked" in a hotel because of a seminar/training, so I need to be at home - Antipolo - tonight so I can prepare my stuff. I also need to be back in Makati on Sunday afternoon because we have an early call-time for Monday.

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