Friday 4 December 2015

December Delta

My boss called me for a meeting last Friday at the Marketing office. When it was about to end, he 'warned' of transferring me to the office. I took it as a half-joke, half-warning. I thought it'd only happen if I miss something on my daily deliverable.

We did not have work last Monday because it was Bonifacio Day although I came to work last Sunday because two of the department's staff were on leave. Being alone in the office that Sunday, my boss' "warning" would come to mind every now and then.

So came Tuesday, the first day of the month. Our HR officer came to the office I was  put in to inform me that my boss wanted me transferred to the Marketing office. Great! Well, I really had no qualms about the directive. I was quite uneasy though because it's going to be a new environment although I'm already familiar with the people I'd be roommates with.

More than the transfer, the recent change actually got me quite tied in a train of thoughts about a particular thing. The thought about something started last week, which reached its initial peak last Friday. So since December 1st, the thought has been persistent. It's becoming a pre-occupation that I sometimes want to laugh at myself because it's objectively bothersome. Hashtag, OCProblems.

It's already been three days since I was transferred to the Marketing office. So far, so good. Well, I was actually back on having self-doubt wondering if what I wrote for my daily deliverable still made sense. Or am I simply being #MeMa. "MeMa-sabi lang." I hope not.

Now Playing: Utada Hikaru - Wait and See ~ risk ~

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