Thursday 19 November 2015

Of APEC Aftermath and Desires

Am supposed to join Kuya Ram and Grace watch a film tonight but I have stuff to retrieve from dorm, a pair of trouser to stitch, and clothes to press. I need rest, not just for my body but most importantly for my mind. I've been thinking about things more than necessary and I now feel the weight of them all. Also, I'm feeling quite anxious about something coming to an end. I never thought I'd have a little pang about it. It's not the APEC Summit. I'm glad the summit is over now.
That's why I am writing. Well yes, I've been writing a lot but mostly for work. Things that are directly related to work concerns have already left my mind so I'm fine with that. But for those that are not, they need to be unloaded. I just need to write and let go of things that can easily be dismissed.
Perhaps I am already writing balderdash now, but I just need to write. Never mind that it may sound cryptic. I'm already tired to bother go into details and talk about each concern or random heavy thought lurking in my head.
As I want to tag this post under "Memories," I thought I should mention what took place tonight. I was listening to a speech earlier before leaving work when I got reminded what curiosity does to me. A colleague mentioned something which triggered an inquiry. Truth be told, I'm more interested with the substance. Perhaps I'll write about it later. Much later perhaps because I'll be digging deep and farther.
I was listening to my "Random J" playlist in YouTube while at work today. When it hit Stand by Me by Anna Tsuchiya, I realized how heart warming the song is. So much that I even tweeted about it.

I did the same for Utada Hikaru's Flavour of Life. I always feel the same listening to this song.

Now Playing: Do As Infinity - Desire

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