Friday 31 July 2015

The Post Agony Poem

Life's gonna be tough.
You'll have to fight through,
Even in your own head to remember.
Believe that God's promises are true.

Seek the One who loves you.
Troubles may cloud your sight,
So will sadness choke your faith.
But press on for His love remains.

In sadness find solace.
In the desert seek the spring,
The life-giving water for your soul.
In the wilderness find true strength.

This I wrote while having (or right after?) dinner earlier. This is my first prose using modern tongue. By that I mean using words commonly spoken in today's English. Normally, I would never use "gonna" in a poem. But I did so this time as it was the first word that came to mind when I started this poem.

I still don't have an official title to this poem. This is unedited, like most of my poems, and I intend to keep it that way. Raw, impromptu, that's my style.

As to why I had this written, it was because of the burden and heavy heart I had when I was leaving the workplace. Well, I technically no longer work there. I'm off the payroll and I'm at the mercy of my Godmother. Back to my reason, it was not easy for me to have that 'feeling' for I was enveloped with melancholy and almost agony. Well, it was an agony. I had to fight the impending depression. I had to remember what and who really matters. I had to remind myself of God's promises. I had to sing, and not without difficulty, hymns declaring who God is. It was too much but I had to press on.

The words that mostly ring inside my head this past week were my favourite lines from two admirable people. One was from Ate Faye, who has mentored/discipled me for years. She was and still is such a blessing. This I first heard from her: When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. How true. As for the other thing that I am always reminded of was Winston Churchill's. If you're going through hell, keep going. Yes. Keep going.

No matter what's going on, it goes back to (my previous blog entry's point) my real Master. Like what I was reminded of a couple of days ago, I am working for God. If this is the work that God wants me to have, so be it. I am the LORD's servant. Let His will be done and His name glorified.

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