Monday 27 July 2015

"I'm working for God."

Colossians 3:23 has been my mantra for this year. It's still in my heart but the words seemed to have been quite faint lately. I would like to believe that God wants me to remember this command, for the past couple of weeks have been pretty crazy. I even reckoned asking, albeit without letting anyone hear, "What am I doing with my life?" I'm doing things that are not within my usual scope of responsibility. But thinking about it, I've always been like that. I've always been "thrown" into situations that were not my expertise, that were not my field. It's nothing unusual.

I got a conversation with someone this morning and he said the words that I used as a title of this blog entry. It hit me. What he said has been ringing in my head and soul almost throughout the day. It was a good reminder. Indeed, I am working for the LORD. I still have that thought but perhaps I need to hear it from someone else, again. And now I am reminded with what Jesus said, that only those who do the will of His Father will enter the Kingdom of God. We talked about this in our PT last Wednesday.

So yes, whatever God asks me to do that I will do. And I pray that I'll be able to really do so, to really know what He wants me to do. And once again, I am reminded of my Command to Obey scripture today. "Listen to Him." Yes, listen to the Lord Jesus I must and I'd never go wrong.

I am the LORD's servant and I am working for God.

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