Tuesday 4 October 2016

Shana Tova!

I wanted to start this month with an entry that is happy and delightful, so I guess before I start with the actual one I'll make a greeting since it's Rosh Hashanah.

The thing is, things have gone grey. Last night, of all nights, was particularly stressful that I've spent the following hours either thinking of what happened or trying to divert my thoughts. Well, there were also other things that I thought of and did.

The whole day got me suffering from a severe headache that I'm not sure anymore which possible factors actually triggered it. Or perhaps, all of them contributed - physical, emotional, mental - all these stress factors.

What a life.

Most of the time these past days, my thoughts were primarily dwelt on how to get some sleep so I could recover and rejuvenate. Last Sunday in particular, I thought flu bug was underway that I pushed myself to get as much sleep as possible. I got eight hours, thankfully.

Hopefully, things will get better. If I'd have it my way, I'd be so introverting that I'd probably show up on the next Rosh Hashanah.

Now Playing: Chequerboard - Opening the Gates

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