Saturday 23 April 2016

Emotion Explosion

Contrary to popular belief, I am not without emotions. And I am not talking about anger, which seemed to be the prominent one in the first two decades of my life. Talk about it I shall not indulge. Rather, the emotions I am referring to and claim to have are the same ones that other people have. Only on a different degree and setting.

What prompted me to write this blog entry is someone with the initials of MD. I just took a peek of his recent, perhaps still work in progress, project. I wish I had the chance to take part in it. I wish. I also happened to see one of his old projects, which was totally, at least for me, mind blowing. It also gave me bunch of tachycardia and tachypnea. Crazy project, I dare say, but I wonder why I've never heard about it until today.

Having done so brought a lot of emotions into the table. Ideas came in. Thoughts were brought out. Desires came back to the surface.

Now I am looking back on the things that MD has done. I would love to take part in the same project with him. Perhaps someday, perhaps never.

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