Sunday 25 January 2015

Discovering Diversion

With the world being almost at the tip of our fingers, it's quite easy now to track things and people who are unaware of the internet's danger. Well, some are just ignorant and don't care. They have nothing to hide.

Forget what I just wrote. It's a personal reminder.

I've been trying to look for some information for a couple of weeks but I just got the better picture now as I dared to continue the search. As soon as I found out and confirmed, I laughed to myself. Then it reminded me of what I've always longed for. As I put in my FB status: #StickToIsaacStandard. It's just quite fitting. I laughed about it. Isaac means "laughter."

Grateful and at peace, that's what I am right now albeit what I found out. It was good. It was good. Like what my friend Lorena said earlier, "Eye on the Prize." The real Prize.

Now Playing: Gabrielle - Out of Reach

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