Tuesday 1 November 2016

Forced Monday morning jog

Waking up on a Monday morning from at least six hours of sleep was lovely. I even wanted to hug my kidneys for doing their job pretty well. Perhaps my kidneys were the ones that would want to hug me for giving my body a very much needed at least six straight hours of sleep. It's just four hours most of the time.

It's not every morning that I get to have a chance to enjoy sunrise while jogging so when I felt lazy to get up and hit the valley, I had to force myself. I had to seize the opportunity. Besides, I didn't want to give an inch to laziness when it comes to fitness.

I may have been "working out" indoors but getting outdoors is equally important. I need Vitamin D from a just risen sun while sweating.

Discipline pays.

I'm glad to have pushed myself because I realized that it's been quite I while since I saw the trees in our valley a little after sunrise. It's usually during almost sunset. Besides, fresh air! Hello, oxygen!

My next morning jog will be tomorrow since I don't have work tonight (November 1). Can't wait!

Now Playing: Savage Garden - I Knew I Loved You

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