Sunday 6 September 2015

About Last Night

I was on mid-shift yesterday, meaning a 12NN-9PM work sched. I just got the call and info the night before. No prob with me. I'm kind of wondering about something though.

It was kind of unusual staying in the office when most people have already left, especially on a Saturday. But to my amusement, the sky had been going grey telling everyone in Makati that it'll soon rain. I didn't think the sky was warning or threatening. It just felt like a matter of fact thing. No big deal with mother nature.

Rains and lightnings with thunders do not bother me. Never did. Floods and possibilities of it, yes. I actually love the rain. I like it when it rains. I feel at ease when it does. Back in Antipolo, I would usually hang out in our terrace whenever there are lightnings. I love watching them up in the sky. I, unfortunately, wasn't able to do the same last night as the windows were shut. Well, there was one opened but the buildings outside blocked my view of the lightnings.

Perhaps when I get to have my own house, I'll make sure that there's a space where I can have a good view of the sky, whether it's for sunrise or lightnings. I love watching the sun rising too. For someone who loves the rain, I prefer it over sunsets.

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