Monday, 18 July 2016

Migraine risks

Nx Dx: Alteration in sleep pattern r/t changes in ADL secondary to reassigned work schedule

Now that got me wondering. Will Ms. Walde (my college professor) accept such diagnosis? Losh!

Well it's true, I am having changes in my sleep pattern, not to mentioning difficulties actually sleeping. As a result, migraine paid me a visit. It was last Friday when I was alone during the graveyard shift. Good heavens. My head felt like it could split into pieces. Migraine headaches are just wicked.

Pain scale? 12/10. And I am one who's supposed to have a high pain tolerance. Well, I usually back off when it's stomachache and/or migraine. They're witches!

Worried  that I'd have another migraine episode during the coming days, I decided to ditch work on my Saturday/Sunday shift. Weekends are usually a breather so I thought I could 'leave' my shift partner, lest I get to be absent during a weekday. Heavens forbid! Besides, my lack of sleep is getting worse that I'd be at risk of going by my id, kind of acting on "basic instincts," which is unhealthy both to myself and to anyone I might show this to. I'm a choleric-melancholic and an INTP with 1-3% chances of going INTJ.

I kind of recovered now but I still need to sleep.

Now Playing: Susie Suh - Shell

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