Sunday 26 June 2016

Massive Attack

I thought I was having migraine yesterday because I almost got knocked out from my headache. Perhaps I really got knocked out because I fell asleep for intermittent periods of time during my taxi ride from the condo to Pasig. Never mind that I texted no one that I was riding a cab, and obviously neither the plate number of the cab I was riding.

My headache was killing me that I even wanted to go back home. I was still in Buting when I thought about it. The pain persisted until during the service though there was a moment of peace.

Unfortunately, the pain returned around 8PM. I was having dinner at Slice. At first I wondered if it was the tuna, as I was having a tuna sandwich, or the red velvet because of its dairy content. I later realized that it was my eyes. I wasn't also having photo sensitivity. Well, I only had one photo sensitivity experience during my many migraine attacks. For now, it's time to change glasses. Can't wait for pay day.

I'm having the same headache on my left frontotemporal area while writing this blog entry. Thinking about it, I'm wondering if the 'sleeps' I had yester noon were actually moments of syncope. Poor head.

But then I wonder, is it possible that I am having migraine and tension headache at the same time? I have to visit my neurologist again. It's been years.

Now Playing: Susie Suh - Why

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