Sunday 11 September 2016

Sleepless Saturday

I reckon lack of sleep has contributed to my drunken-like approach to a few things. For one, I said or asked something I would normally rather keep to myself. As I've already 'blurted' out, I guess I'll just have to let it go.

There were also a lot of thoughts and questions in my head recently that one way I find to test their relevance was to take risk. So I've taken quite a few risks or rather small steps about three particular things. Just two actually. Again, it's my way of letting things go out of my system.

As to why I once again lacked sleep, Murphy's Law caught up on me yesterday.

First, our associate for the morning shift was absent. She said she's not feeling well. I later found out that she was so stressed the previous day. I can only only imagine. Well, that was not unlikely to happen for those who've only graduated from college after a year or two then put in a work environment like our associate's. Well, our work environment.

Second, because our morning associate was absent it followed that I couldn't just leave especially with the one present just having started for a couple of days. I also found out he has a set of particular tasks albeit not specified. No need though. I'm an INTP so I can quite figure out.

Third, the absent associate had a task that needed follow through for which I was asked to work on. Good thing I didn't have to start from scratch. It's when I quoted Elizabeth Keen. "I hate my job." At least Liz had Tom Keen.

Fourth, after the three events mentioned above, I ended up leaving the office at almost noon, which was the supposed meeting time with my GC friends. It's been 7 years since the last time we saw each other in person.

7 years. And we're only meeting again because one of our friend's birthday. I thought I'm not gonna miss that. And I did not. Never mind sleep. I'm glad I risked it. I'll write about it some other time though.

Now Playing: Niklas Aman - Send Receive

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