Saturday 10 September 2016

Endorphin or Just Introverting?

Recently it feels like I have a strong need and urge to head to Antipolo after my shift and have a jog. Doesn't matter if I could only run for 15 minutes as long as I get some endorphin and fresh air.

Legazpi Active Park is just not enough. It has to be Antipolo, where I could run free and experience nature. Most importantly, it's where I can perfectly go introverting.

Thinking about it, I would still feel the need to return to Antipolo and go jogging albeit having just done so the day prior. Sometimes, which has become often lately, I wish I could just return to Antipolo on a daily basis.

It makes me wonder which is really my state among the following:
  1. Getting addicted to endorphin;
  2. Too stressed from work;
  3. Just being too introvert these past days;
  4. All of the above

Now Playing: Marissa Nadler - Leave the Light On

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