Sunday 28 August 2016

This Dress

I saw this ad featuring clothes while browsing news online. There were a few that caught my attention but this one (on the right) captured the most.

Actually, the first one I saw was in grey but as I looked into the site, I found other colours for this dress. I liked the white/cream most, perhaps because of my current mood, just not the shoes. The other colours are good too.

What initially caught my attention was its not so asymmetrical cut at the base. I think it's flowy enough, which is my thing, but not so much that would risk anyone wearing it to let other people have a peek underneath.

Preferring the colour white/cream because I got reminded of nature during daytime. It gives a sense of freedom and carefree spirit. I would love to purchase a dress like this and hopefully it's on a reasonable and affordable price. #Frugal

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