Monday 29 August 2016

Riptide of Injustice

If I could kill someone right now, I would not. But the INTJ in me could think of ways to fare better. Yet I am holding my peace.

Image result for intj as villain

Well, I am frustrated at the moment. And now I am truly angry that my disappointments have turned into loathing. This injustice has been going on for long. To say it's "already too much" is an understatement.

But as I have said, I am holding my peace.

My anger, when unleashed, strikes like a double-edged sword. The injury I get is the LORD's judgment, which I wish not to suffer. For who can stand before the LORD, our God who is a consuming fire? He who avenges the oppressed?

For now I present this injustice before the God who sees everything, even that which is hidden in dark. I leave vengeance to the LORD of Hosts, to Him who executes judgment to everyone.

My anger wishes to consume like a fire, but satisfaction shall not come. Thus, this course is what's left of me. It's the best and most appropriate one I know at this moment.

May God judge between you and me.

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