Thursday 25 August 2016

Pasta Creations

Technically, only one of these creations was a pasta. The other one was a soba or buckwheat noodle. But then... oh well.

I made an "Ocean Spring Pasta" last Tuesday morning because I was in the mood to make some 'creations' albeit being tired. It's basically a penne with salmon, broccoli, and corn. I'd say it was pretty good, which still has room for improvement. Also, using those ribbon-like pasta would've been better.

It was my meal for breakfast/brunch or early lunch. I even had some packed for my Tuesday night shift. I think I'd make another one of this, or anything that has salmon and/or broccoli. I love these ingredients.

My mood for creating food hasn't stopped as I made another one on Wednesday late afternoon. I also had the leftover packed for my Wednesday duty.

I call it Soba with salmon and peas topped with sesame seeds. This one really needs improvement, especially on the sauce's proportions. I would love to work on this.

Now I wonder when to get started. Thinking about it, it's been days since the last time I had rice. Actually, I can't remember the last time I had one. Well, I do remember eating rice when we had dinner at kitchen oriental kitchen. I also had rice during Saturday lunch. Before that, I dunno.

Perhaps I'll turn these pasta partners into meals first. I kind of miss having rice, and extra rice.

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