Friday 26 August 2016

Of coffee and the Pascuals at the grocery

I set my alarm earlier so I could wake up, of course, and have enough time to prepare for work later. It was supposed to give me 4 hours of sleep, if I stick to 'schedule.' However, I woke up in just almost two hours having remembered a dream that involved these: grocery, coffee, Iñigo Pascual, and Piolo Pascual.

Grocery. I was in a grocery shopping for some items but I only remembered having decided to purchase the Blend 45 brown coffee. I was also checking the Knorr seasoning in cubes. I was actually reading the ingredients!

Iñigo Pascual. I was sitting in a corner when I noticed Iñigo Pascual roaming around offering/convincing people to buy this particular brand of coffee. Unfortunately, I can't remember the brand. I was sitting in one place reading something and grabbed a pack from his hand and put it in my basket then continued reading.

Piolo Pascual. I was still reading, perhaps a magazine, when someone suddenly stood in front of me. I took a peek from my magazine and saw that it was Piolo Pascual. He was holding a box of powdered milk with red (?) cover something. He was trying to convince me to purchase it too. 

The talk eventually led to a question if I recognized the other people "endorsing" the product. Their faces were actually on the rear part of the box. I said I kind of recognize one of the four but I can't remember her name. I said I think it's Nicole. Piolo then asked me if I remember one of her projects. I was about to say something but it's a GMA project, with Rhian Ramos on it, so I kept mum for the mean time.

Checking now, the person's name is actually Cai Cortez.

Now I wonder, are the Pascuals endorsing a coffee brand?

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