Saturday 11 July 2015

Thinking out loud.

I usually do that a lot, like a lot, even with people around. Some would think I'm talking to them so I've learned to say the disclaimer, "Sorry, just thinking out loud."

I've read articles saying that thinking out loud is common among great minds. *ehem* However, the cynical me is just being "Oh, really? Okay." about it. Perhaps it's true, that the act is common among great people. Perhaps not, that it's only other people's way of comforting those who do think out loud. I've just read another recently, which is pretty interesting. I do remember being in the grocery having quite a hard time deciding which product and brand to use. I would tap my finger on my chin and speak out the options. Happens a lot.

Among the claims I've read about thinking out loud being positive, my favourite is nowhere in print but rather in first hand experience. I've got to witness someone I look up to thinking out loud before. At first I thought he was talking to me. Realizing what he did, he asked me if I understood what he was saying. I understood some words but not the thought so I simply told him the truth. He smiled and told me that he was just thinking out loud. The next time I get to catch him say something I could hardly understand, I would just dismiss it.

Now Playing: Scarlett Johansson & Pete Yorn - Relator

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