Thursday 9 July 2015

One Year After Going to Baguio

I was on the road alone, inside a bus of course, leaving Manila for Baguio. It's been exactly a year, though I've already arrived by this time 12 months ago. Time flies. I was planning to stay there for good but I got summoned and Paul got me convinced to return to Manila. It felt as if I was Timothy.

The City of Pines was a lovely city. I loved walking albeit alone along its streets. I loved dropping by Burnham Park then the City Library almost every lunch break. Both are only 7-10 minute walk from where I used to work. I miss a lot of things about Baguio. If I could, I would love to be back. I actually had the chance of returning but only for an overnight stay. It was last month. Very quick indeed.

I am hoping that I'd have the chance to go up to this lovely city soon and with a longer stay. I miss Baguio. Yes, I do.

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