Monday 19 September 2016

WOF long naps r/t DM-2

According to a research of Todai or the University of Tokyo, "Long daytime naps are 'warning sign' for type-2 diabetes." It's worth noting, something that I need to look further into and watch out for.

In the CNN article, it says:
The researchers said long naps could be a result of disturbed sleep at night, potentially caused by sleep apnoea.
And this sleeping disorder could increase the risk of heart attacks, stroke, cardiovascular problems and other metabolic disorders, including type-2 diabetes.
Sleep deprivation, caused by work or social life patterns, could also lead to increased appetite, which could increase the risk of type-2 diabetes.
Must definitely make more efforts taking care of myself. Geez, I'm gonna quote Elizabeth Keen on this. "I hate my job."

Ugh, life.

Todai's research may not yet be a conclusion but I have to take it into consideration. It's time to make a new lifestyle plan: diet, exercise, rest and recreation, mindset.

Now Playing: No Doubt - Don't Speak

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