Saturday 17 September 2016

Back into Learning

As I'm reviewing my references, I of course have to deal with the courses I'm enrolled in. I believe I have at least three but I am prioritizing one course in particular given that I haven't been up to date.

Checking on the course, I realized that I'm already 3 weeks late. Good heavens. Although I've already watched a video, it's just one of those video clips for the orientation part alone. Just the orientation. I feel like I am into a little trouble.

I want to finish the course and really maximize everything it has to offer, but I wonder how to play my part. Thankfully, our mentor gave us the following tips.
  1. Follow the path.
  2. Visualize your knowledge.
  3. Learn spatially.
  4. Learn socially.
I particularly need to heed tip number one and I am so glad that our mentor encourages a little deviation. He's most likely aware that there are people who are naturally deviant. Hello, NTs. Nevertheless, he suggests that we don't deviate a lot adding that going back on track is very important. Gotta remember that.

Spatial learning is pretty interesting. I'm not sure if I've been consciously aware about and of trying it. For this course, I'll definitely try it. I believe it's going to be good for the brain. As for learning socially, well let's cross the bridge when we get there.

For the mean time, what's greatly bothering me is the revelation of how much time I'd have to spend for the course.

As an INTP, there's really no problem allotting time in learning. The problem is my time limitation. I have other things to do and I'm already 3 weeks late. Soon it'll be 4 weeks. How am I going to deal with that?

By the way, pardon the Blindspot .gifs used. Season 2 just premiered and I'm still not getting over it. It's too much to handle, the feels and thoughts and everything. I'm too carried away.

Note: All .gifs are from Copied and used without permission. o_o

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