Monday 1 August 2016

Refined Sugar

I can't remember when I first had an aversion on refined sugar. It's been years, about at least half a decade as far as I can remember.

Refined sugar is the reason I'm not fond of doughnuts, though it doesn't mean I no longer eat the refined sugar made pastry. Just rarely. Very rarely.

I always check the ingredients of the food or drinks I buy. I particular do that on the latter because I noticed that there are a lot of it with refined sugar albeit its claim to have "No Preservatives."

So yeah, just because a food claims to have no preservatives doesn't mean it contains nothing harmful.

Besides refined sugar, the other thing or ingredient I watch out for in a drink is high fructose corn syrup. I haven't read much about it but I've read something claiming that the syrup is also not good to health. For me, refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup are cousins, in the sense of effect to our body.

Now Playing: Johnny Lang - Breakin' Me

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