Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Chest Pain

I'm having (left) chest pain now, which began around 10:30PM. Not really sure/can't remember if I had it earlier. But based on what I remember, it's been 16 minutes now. It feels like my chest is being compressed, sometimes sideways sometimes like from the top but more on the former. Anatomically, it's dominant on the right central portion of my chest. There's no radiating pain to my left arm but as I assessed, just now, there's a hint of pain that goes back.

Recalling this morning's events, I remember holding my nape many times because it was hurting. As for diet, I had foccacia with turkey ham and pickled relish for brunch/early lunch. I also had sunny side up fried in coconut oil. And before going to work tonight, I bought a medium-sized coffee from 7-Eleven. It's a French Vanilla coffee.

Jeez. I've been grimacing a lot for the past five minutes. The chest pain. 

2252H-2301H. During every minute within this time period, it felt like a hard blunt stick (I'm imagining a steel bar) pressed on my chest. Can't remember where exactly, but the recent one felt like on the upper portion. Not sure if it's the left or right atrium. I'll try to figure it out with a test...

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