Thursday 9 June 2016


December 17.
The thought of "What is it with me?" was the welcome I got from and for myself when I made it to the day. The purpose has been lost while the vision is nowhere to be seen. The days are dragging away strongly.

December 4-5.
I could see it dying. Poor little thing, consumed to the core as if there is no hope.

January 2.
Silence. Solitude. Having these would be a gift. Be left alone, a luxury.

January 13.
I got asked, "What is it that your really want?" I paused, and was asked again. "What is the one thing you would fight for no matter the cost?" Silence.

March 3.
Been thinking, what if I got the ticket? What should've I done to secure that ticket? My chance to go Patterson has been lost, for now. This got me thinking, I need to look for other ways to have that ticket.

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