Tuesday 13 September 2016


That's the number of minutes per "phase" I spent when I had my Monday post-sunset jog in Antipolo.

Yes, I was in Antipolo after my Sunday/Monday shift because it's been "too much" at work lately. I just needed my dose of endorphin and exposure to nature.

  • Four minutes of running
  • Three minutes of walking
  • Another 3 minutes of running

After that was another 3 minutes spent specifically for walking and cooling down, which was quite extended because I just had to hang out longer. 

As I said, I needed my dose of exposure to nature. And I still need more. I still have to see lots of greens and breathe fresh air.

All in all, it was at least 15 minutes of exercise but it was enough for the day. It was better than having none at all as I would usually have to wait for Friday to have a run.

I really had to run. It's that crucial for me to induce endorphin release and have some fresh air. I had to get away from the city and immerse with nature. There may also be trees and a jogging track in Makati but they're nothing compared to what Antipolo and our hamlet have to offer.

Antipolo brings peace and quiet that Makati or even other place in the metropolis could not give. Besides, there's no place like home. Other place doesn't have our library that I sometimes or recently turned into a "gym" with the heavy books doubled as weights.

My improvised weights after my Monday post-sunset jog

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