Saturday 20 August 2016


This is actually my reply to a post here:

I am basically an INTP with, based on some tests I took/re-took, 1-3% chances of being an INTJ. And I've realized that when I hit that 1-3%, I go all out in the sense that I get pretty anxious until things get done effectively. However, I've come to accept that I am an INTx, that I just shift from either of my 3-year old versions.

With regard to emotions, I remember an elder telling me that I give no reaction despite being scolded. As I recalled a particular moment when I got scolded, I remember thinking back then how to improve things that I just dismissed reacting for getting scolded. I was, as told by this elder, showed no reaction at all. Yes, I had no emotional reaction because my mind was busy trying to figure out how to fix or correct my mistake. For me it was far more important to avoid repetition of the same mistake than looking sorry. Besides, I didn't want to give this person the satisfaction of me being emotionally sorry though I felt bad that I didn't make the goal. But of course, other people would see that as arrogance. This elder thought I was being arrogant. But I wasn't.

Although I am seen as someone without emotions, which is very impossible, I feel strongly for some events and situations WHICH (emphasis intended) do not include me. The genocide in Sudan got me even years before. I felt terrible for those people who have become victims of the apartheid. In this year's Olympics, I am very happy for Simone Biles achieving feats unprecedented. When Judoka Yarden Gerbi won Israel's first Olympic medal since 2008, I was ecstatic. Of course, I was so and very, very happy when my own country Philippines wins its first Olympic medal in 20 years, courtesy of a female weight lifter.

However, when emotions are pretty exaggerated, I detach and could not appreciate. Such actually annoy me. I find them unnecessary unless they change things and events, for I see a lot of emotional people but are stuck in the status quo. What's the point of being so expressive when you're not changing things?

Sometimes though I go through something that technically speaking calls for a strong emotional reaction. I've found myself shedding tears without understanding why, like I tried to grasp what's going on and could "diagnose" but only if it's other people going through it. When I tried to put myself in the picture, I still go clueless albeit with my tears still flowing.

I can say I understand people's reactions, though I still question their motives for expressing such, but I can't picture myself giving the same. Of course, I experience anger which is actually the pretty dominant emotion I know. Like it's the only one I can understand with me in the picture. For who would not get angry with people oppressing helpless people, taking advantage of others?

When it comes to hygiene, I was not without care at least when it came to the basics. However, I didn't extend extra effort to be presentable. And yes, partly because of my 'rebellion' to society's particular "standards" or categorization, like you have to show up like this otherwise you'd be out-of-place. Back then, I was very much happy to be out of place. Although I still have no intention to be part of the crowd, technically I could not because I belong to the INTx group, I've come to appreciate what it's like to prepare ahead of time to dress up and put a little make-up, though I do so to hide the dark circles under my eyes and simply polish my look. I still prefer to keep everything au naturel.

There are INTP traits that used to apply to me but have now become very rare. There are also INTJ traits that do not fully apply, like being lost in "my own world" because I am still aware of everything around but I just don't respond to them even if people talk to me because most would ask questions I find stupid. At work, I often find myself being the only one responding to our supervisor's inquiry though I've been working on something, like everyone else.

I am aware that there are people who really get lost in their world, but I it actually makes me wonder why some people would not leave at least a window for their supervisor in case he raises a concern. For me, no one at work is in a position to 'shut' the world without at least informing a seatmate of such plan so no one would be expected to just easily interrupt. Unless of course you're the boss, you don't need to adjust that way.

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