Monday, 2 May 2016

The GI issue

It's been a week since I've abstained from coffee or caffeine, for health reasons. I've been having stomach pains, which would just pay me a visit for some days. The recent 'episodes' even caused me to skip work for 2 consecutive days. Very annoying.

I'm hoping that my abstince would make things better for me. I'd say there were good results, but I still have to watch out my food intake as there seem to trigger a stomach pain.

Besides abstinence from coffee, which I think wouldn't last any longer, I should also abstain from having extra rice. I could go on double extra rice so it's gonna be trouble if I keep such lifestyle.

My gastro-intestinal system, perhaps my digestive system as well, needs a rest. I know the best and effective way to do it, but it's gonna be tough for someone who not just loves to eat but could eat a lot in one sitting.

I have to think of May-9 and take it as a motivation.

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