Thursday, 19 May 2016

Countdown to Blindspot season finale

An afternoon break post...

Just five nights to go and I can see Weller and Jane again. Five nights to go before the season finale of Blindspot. I am both excited and anxious that I'm not sure how to deal with it.

Episode 22 was heart-breaking enough, because of the plot events and because it's a countdown to the end of season 1, so I am pretty sure that the season finale would be more intense. I've also read a tweet saying or quoting Jaimie Alexander about what to expect for episode 23.

Just the thought of what awaits on Tuesday night is driving me crazy.

This is the trouble when you're watching a series on "real time" because you have to follow the schedule. Sheez.

I am going to miss Patterson and that Psychiatrist as well as Tasha and Reade. Of course, Jeller's already given.

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