I am thankful that I got to choose Thursday as my off-set day during this Holy Week. My real reason was Football. I decided right away with the Philippines' away match against Uzbekistan in mind then later realized that Friday would've been a better option because my regular day-off is Saturday. It was a late realization that I was willing to change, if my colleague was also and only willing. She was fine with the initial schedule we set so we stuck to it.
The Maundy Thursday - Black Saturday 12-hour shift/staff schedule was made back in Monday, or was it Tuesday. Anyway, came Monday and I got a text from Ate Kay asking if I had work on Thursday. Turned out, I could still attend the 27th NPG albeit already the last day.
My life in the past couple of weeks had been not good. It was worse than a roller coaster. To sum it up, I got face the truth, once again, that God is mighty to save. During one of the praise and worship 'sessions' we sang You're All I Need. Some of its lines say: ♫ Never let me go... Help me find the way. Bring me back to You. ♫ Indeed, even if we have been unfaithful, the Lord Jesus is and will ever be faithful. I've sang that song many times before with all sincerity especially on the "never let me go" part.
As hours passed by yesterday, I've come to be reminded about another side of God's love. I don't know if I'm using the right term, but I got to see the connection between God's love and justice in a better sense. It was like being projected before me.
Among the attributes of God, one of the most that really "ring loud" to me is God's justice. I know and believe that He is merciful, but I also know that His justice is tremendous. No one will escape it. We will all be judged. As I was saying according to what I saw and better understood yesterday, God's love draws us to Him. I was drawn Him. I have to add that His love is indeed so powerful. Love covers a multitude of sins. God's love is so powerful that once we respond to that, I mean truly respond (because it is not just about saying "I receive Your love, Lord" then do nothing after), we can be spared from the wrath of His judgment. Well, if we obey Him, we will still be judged but for us to be rewarded. So yes, everyone will be judged.
I really don't know how to put it well. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal things and the deeper things of God. Let me try nonetheless.
God's love is drawing us and is removing the fears that are appropriate of one who is guilty of sin (For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.). If I were to quote Natasha Romanov, I dare say that I have a lot of reds on my ledger. Anyway, once we truly walk in love we will be spared from judgment. Because once judgment comes, there's no escape. His mercy will not be enough to spare us. Why? Because His mercy has already been poured out before that great and awesome [judgment] day of the Lord.
Although I depict it as "mercy before justice/judgment," it's actually "judgment before mercy" for us. Let me get this straight though, between God's justice and mercy neither comes before the other. I did say, however, "judgment before mercy" because out of God's love (it will always be the reason) He showed us mercy by executing justice. How? When Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty of our sins. That was justice, because He was merciful to us.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23). God's justice had to be met. Justice could only be served once the penalty of death is paid. Jesus Christ met that requirement. And now, here comes mercy.
Love -- mercy1 -- justice (through Christ's death) -- mercy2 -- justice/judgment
Love - It's the main reason God is so good to us. It's also the reason for all the discipline we're going through. What is man that He is mindful of us?
Mercy1 - I could't put or explain it well yet, but I'd say it's the reason 'death' in Romans 6:23 has not been fully executed to mankind.
Justice - To meet Romans 6:23, Jesus Christ died in our place. And God's requirement was met. "It is finished."
Mercy2 - As we are still in this world and still live with fleshly bodies, chances are still there that we get to sin but not deliberately. But even if deliberately, God's mercy is there. His mercies are new every morning. This mercy allows us to get out of the mud and have ourselves cleansed.
But do not be mocked. We cannot mock God. Yes, I am also talking to myself. If we do not respond to God's love and mercy appropriately, we're in for a lot of trouble on the day of judgment.
Justice/Judgment - When the day God will judge us all, all provisions for acquittal (love, mercy, grace) will no longer be available. God has given us enough time (this is His grace) to claim His mercy.
Going back to what I realized yesterday, (on a personal context) God brought me back to Him out of His love and mercy. Had I not responded, each day would bring me closer to a fearsome judgment which would call for my doom. Be holy, for your God is holy. Although my decision to pick Thursday as off-set was Football, God knew and did better. I even got to see my friends from CDO again.
My friends/spiritual family from CDO has a special place in my heart and life. They do remind me of a number of things, which mostly are about the things to come.
Today's reading is John 15, where Jesus said, "Apart from Me you can do nothing." Indeed! It is so true in every area of my life. Moreover, it's a good reminder that I "couldn't do anything" without Him. It's a simple Math. With Christ, all is well. Without Christ, it's trouble.
Although I am aware of it, I dare say that I am now more dependent on Christ. My spirit tells me that it's like without Christ I am as good as dead. I've experienced that. Without Jesus, life has just no meaning. It was like it would've been better for me to have not existed. But I thank God that such is not the case. I see things better again. Life is worth living because my Saviour lives.
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