Thursday 18 June 2015

URTI and the Choleric...

The threat of cough and colds came last Monday afternoon when signs of sore throat emerged. It was alarming as I knew where it would be leading. Came yesterday and it got worse. I was just... almost a veggie.

I was considering absence at work today as it was almost unbearable to be functional since last night, and I had to recover. Thankfully, 9 hours of sleep allowed me to be able enough to get out of bed and prepare myself. However, I was almost unprofitable this morning.

My pace of walk was, personally, awful. I walked slowly as if dragging myself from one place to another. There was just not enough strength. I had to take a nap during (late) lunch time. I think the nap was quite enough to bring me to my feet. I was able to walk quite normal again after having my late lunch as well as some banana chips. I should've had the latter earlier. It seemed to have helped.

However, my strength, if I would assess it, did not result much from what I ate. What fueled most of my "strong enough" moments were anger. I was angry enough to raise my voice, which I could barely do so earlier. I mostly conversed by above whisper. I was also able to move much because of impatience.

This is the personal danger I face nowadays. My impatient choleric (and that's pretty redundant) temperament has been quite dominant lately that the safest thing for me to do most of the time is to say nothing. Unfortunately, "action speaks louder than voice" rings true for me. I may say nothing but my gestures and demeanour obviously reflect my displeasure. I may not point out what is wrong but anyone can tell that there is something wrong.

When I was given my lunch today, I saw one of my worse pet peeves. I hate it when someone touches or holds anything I put into my mouth, be it food or utensil. And I just saw it when I was awaken from slumber.

If it was only possible for me to turn into a she-Hulk, I might've done or gone so.

I was also told that someone is afraid to approach me. I doubt it is true. Not that the one telling me is lying but this someone who claims so. And if it's true, his hesitation to approach me - his "fear of me" - is misplaced.

There is no pleasure in me for the "news" I heard. My thoughts lately have always been how to get the job done. I have mishaps and more, but my intention will always be for what must be done and accomplished.

If only good rapport was established, I might've been more patient and kind. But that's the challenge right now - how to become patient and kind albeit the situation.

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