Wednesday 2 July 2014

Alpha Entry

It's already the 2nd of July here in the Philippines but it's still the first in the West. The thing is, I've wanted to have a new start on the second half of the year. I thought it'd be nice.

I've already made this blog weeks, perhaps months, before but I haven't posted anything yet as I still didn't know what to write here. I was also pretty busy that I could hardly think of ideas for my online "life." But I now have a better picture of things. I guess.

A lot has changed, that's why.

However, I still don't know if I will keep posting on my other blogs or when will I stop posting. I haven't thoroughly reckoned them yet. Truth is, I wouldn't have reckoned making this blog if my current one isn't having frequent maintenance that it has become so annoying because they usually occur just when I have some ideas to write and when I am not busy. Thanks, Murphy's Law!

Btw, here are my other blogsites:

So back to the purpose of this blog, as what the title says, it's about my chronicles. I'm not going to post entries on a daily basis but hopefully as often and as regular as possible.

Now Reading: The New York Times
Now Playing: Utada Hikaru - Flavour of Life

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